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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

We live, learn and grow in the light of Christ

Art Intent/Implementation and Impact statement

Art Curriculum – Intent/Implement and Impact Statement



At St Joseph’s we plan to deliver an art curriculum which develops learning, results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills and inspires children to think innovatively. It will be all inclusive allowing all children to access it and be given the opportunity to reach their full creative potential.

We intend to teach the children a skills based curriculum, with individuality and creativeness flowing through everything that they do. We aim to give the children the opportunity to explore a range of materials, techniques and media allowing them to begin to have creative freedom.

Children will be introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of the styles and vocabulary used by famous artists. The skills they acquire will be able to be applied to their own works allowing children to begin to find their own individual style and begin to express their likes and dislikes.


How is this implemented at St. Joseph’s


Art is a significant part of our school life as it allows all children to feel confident and successful no matter what. It is taught through a skills based curriculum which links significantly with the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. Children are given the opportunity to gradually develop a range of skills and then at the end of the unit produce a piece of meaningful work that encompasses everything they have learnt, as well as including their own individual style.

Teachers plan creative inspiring lessons which are sequenced and develop a range of skills which match the national curriculum requirements. Staff model techniques, demonstrate high expectations and encourage children to use their imagination. Children are exposed to the qualities of a range of materials and how to use these effectively. Children have the opportunity to select their own materials when producing their final artwork.

Support is given to staff to ensure confidence and accuracy in the delivery of art lessons and where possible, artists and CPD sessions are and will continue to be provided. 

Children are taught the history of art and are given the opportunity to learn about individuals and their impact on the art world. This allows children to explore artwork of other cultures, different periods in time as well as significant art movements. Therefore providing children with a wide range of knowledge and understanding that can be applied to their own work. .

Children all have sketchbooks which provide them with an opportunity to gather, design and develop their own ideas. They provide children with a resource which they can refer back to and evaluate skills taught, make amendments and begin to consider what has been successful and what hasn’t.  Children are taught how to evaluate their own work and those of their peers effectively.

Art skills have been broken down into year groups so all teachers know the expectations of the children they teach and to ensure the avoidance of repetition. This allows all children to develop skills and in turn make significant progress allowing them to reach age related expectations.  


Impact of Art at St Joseph’s


All children at St. Joseph’s receive a high quality, well planned and progressive art curriculum which allows children to express their creativity. With a varied, comprehensive art curriculum children will become creative learners, who have a web of knowledge about the great artists of the world. Creativity and uniqueness will continue to be celebrated and children will continue to make progress in key skills.

Children will continue to be enthusiastic and demonstrate a love for art and have a sense of pride in the work they have produced. They will have embedded the key art and design skills needed to allow them to produce inventive pieces of art.

Overall, using a developing assessment process, all children will make significant progress and reach their full potential.
