Term Time Holidays
Term Time Holidays
Holidays taken throughout term time will not be authorised.
A leave of absence will only be granted in exceptional circumstances
Term Time Holidays: There has been a lot of information regarding term time holidays on the news recently. Our policy on term time holidays changed in 2020 and term time holidays are no longer authorised except in exceptional circumstances. Unfortunately, there has continued to be a significant increase in the number of holidays taking place during term time. In line with Government guidance, Governors have now made the difficult decision to introduce fines for holidays taken during term time. Exceptional circumstances will continue to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
If you do need to request a leave of absence for your child, please complete a leave of absence form, available from the school office.
We will always hope that parents/carers will be an open and honest role model to our children and report absences to us appropriately. However, if we believe a child has been on holiday or has been absent without due cause, then we will not authorise the absence.
The duty and responsibility will then fall to parents/carers to provide medical or other evidence, to show that the child has not been away on holiday or has been genuinely unwell.
Information from North Tyneside regarding term time holidays can be found below as well as a Leave of Absence request form.