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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

We live, learn and grow in the light of Christ

Year 3/4: Mrs Lee



Your teacher is Mrs Lee and Teaching Assistant is Mrs Elliot.



We have P.E. each Wednesday and Thursday. This half term we will be learning Dance and Rounders.

Please ensure you are wearing your P.E. kit on these days:

blue shorts/yellow tee-shirt/school hoodie or jumper/appropriate footwear. 

Also, remember no jewellery (including ear rings) is allowed to be worn for PE lessons.  



You will be read with by an adult in school, each week and have your reading book changed weekly.

If you can, please read other texts at home such as, library books, books you own, newspapers and magazines. You can add these to Boom Reader alongside your school readers. 



Spellings and maths homework will be given out at the beginning of each half term. These should be completed regularly, however there is no need to return homework to school. 

Children will have a weekly spelling and times test, each week based on this. 


There are additional maths and English activities in the homework section at the bottom of this page. This will allow the children to practise their skills.


Children should read at home for at least 5-10 minutes daily and record their sessions on Boom Reader. 


Learning your Times tables is a big part of Year 3 and 4. Don't forget to visit Times Tables Rock Star as often as possible. It's a fun way to learn them!


