Remote Learning
The Government have asked that all schools come up with a plan for Remote Learning in case children are asked to self-isolate. This page is full of information on how this will be delivered at St. Joseph's, including how to access Google Classroom and contact staff.
Google Classroom
Your child has already been provided with login details for Google Classroom. If you need any support with this, please contact your child's class teacher via the phase emails:
Every school day, assignments and other additional materials will be uploaded to Google Classroom. These will be, as much as possible, directly linked to the work the children who are still in school will be completing.
Remote Learning should take approximately 3 hours every day to complete.
A guide to help you access Google Classroom assignments/learning materials can be found below:
A 'How to use Google Classroom' video guide can be found at the bottom of this page.
Staff will utilise a range of different resources to support your child's teaching and learning:
- video tutorials;
- video clips e.g. youtube; Whiterose maths;
- Oak Academy (Government recommended);
- interactive PDF;
- other online educational resources.
At the bottom of this page there is guidance regarding how much work should be covered each day. This includes some activities children must do; some activities they could do as well as links to other websites you may find useful.
TTRS - indicates Times Tables Rockstars
Please note: There is no expectation that work is printed out. Questions can be answered on paper/in exercise books and either photographed or returned to the school office.
Returning Work
Work can be returned via Google Classroom or emailed via the phase emails.
If work is completed in an exercise book, this can be returned to the school office.
Marking and Feedback
Staff will look at all returned work. They will provide additional support activities to children who have struggled with aspects of new learning.
If you have any queries regarding work set, please use the comments section of the assignment to ask questions.
Staff will respond to queries as soon as possible. Please note, staff will only be able to respond during school hours.
Children are expected to complete remote learning every school day unless they are unable to due to illness or other exceptional family circumstances.
If we are concerned about a lack of engagement from your child, school will make contact to see how we can support you with remote learning.
How to use Google Classroom