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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

We live, learn and grow in the light of Christ


We have been awarded Artsmark Silver Award!



We are delighted to inform you that St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School has been awarded an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!


Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we’re pleased to share this feedback from our assessors with you:


'St Joseph’s first Artsmark journey has taken placed against the backdrop of the pandemic and in the face of significant changes of staffing, leadership and adjustment to joining a new Trust. Despite these challenges, you have developed your creative curriculum, weaving the arts into your provision. You have supported staff with internal CPD in Art and Dance and have engaged specialist support for training in Music, which is a strength. Your Body Percussion project, the Ten Pieces project, the composition of a school song and the choir’s involvement in the Mouth of the Tyne festival have all engaged the children strongly in their learning. You have seen tangible benefits of using the arts to support other learning and you have also seen how your arts clubs have benefited pupil wellbeing. Your YouTube channel increased your showcasing of the children’s talents and the profiling of the arts to parents. You have created an Arts Council and it would be good now to build on your involvement of children in the planning and delivery of authentic arts experiences and performances. The development of further opportunities for Dance and Drama might be modelled on your successes in Music. You can explore further links with arts organisations and creative practitioners to develop your curriculum offer, support staff progression and further enrich your children’s experiences. Perhaps you might involve your children in reviewing how their arts experiences and learning reflect and celebrate the diversity of society? The further development of the use of the arts to support the wellbeing of your more vulnerable pupils will be of real benefit. You have a strong understanding of what the arts can bring to your children’s learning and their personal development. We look forward greatly to reading of the impact that this has as your journey continues.'


Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!


Your award is valid for two years and will expire on 06 October 2025
