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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

We live, learn and grow in the light of Christ

Religious Education

Our RE Lead is Mrs McLaughlin.


At St Joseph's, Religious Education is the foundation of our learning. Catholic beliefs and values are central to our school life as we aspire to follow our mission statement to 'Live, learn and grow in the light of Christ'


We follow the Diocesan recommended 'Come and See' programme to deliver our RE curriculum. The aim of this programme is for children to develop knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith. Through Religious Education lessons, children study Catholic Christianity and to explore the contribution of Christianity and other religions to culture, personal commitment, and action in everyday life. Scripture is studied alongside Catholic faith traditions and the lives of key figures in the history of the Catholic faith. 

Lessons encompass the spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, moral, emotional and religious capacity of each child. 


Throughout each term, we deliver three different RE units, each four weeks long, which follow three key themes - the domestic, local or universal Church, the Sacraments and the liturgical year. 


Religious education also introduces children to the background, beliefs and traditions of people of other faiths, so in addition to Catholic teaching, we also focus on other faiths, celebrations and cultural events during the year including the specific study of Judaism and Islam.


Children of all faiths and none and welcomed and treasured at St Joseph's and children are encouraged to share their own faith and cultural celebrations throughout the year.



Further information about our RE curriculum can be found on the diocesan website. 


